Thursday, September 8, 2011

Auditions or A Week of Wigging Out over 10 minutes of your life

Part of the difficulty of being a singer is doing auditions. At most an audition will probably last you 10 minutes, but that doesn't stop you from FREAKING OUT over preparations. Tonight, I sang the first of three auditions. Audition

Having your body as your instrument can cause you a lot of unavoidable frustrations: allergies, colds, menstruation (believe it or not, this time of the month ACTUALLY causes vocal swelling. SO UNFAIR.), cannot get away from how you're feeling at any time. It's been raining in Boston for days and my sinuses have been so swollen because I'm sensitive to pressure changes.

BUT...I can't take decongestants because they are too dehydrating to sing on. So, I have to resort to multiple steams with a drop of eucalyptus oil and a neti pot. It helps, but it's not a quick fix. Plus, breathing into a steam machine and using a neti pot seem so hocus pocus to me. If you've never seen a neti pot in action, watch this video.

Then on top of that mayhem, I still have to work my day job in the morning, mid afternoon and then get it up to sing like an angel in front of three strangers who are scribbling notes about you on a sheet of paper while you expose your soul to them in a Bach Aria. Ah, well, here's what I was wearing anyway:

Anthropologie: Deuxhill Cowlneck, In The Trees Skirt, Checkered Belt, Bare Traps Pumps
I have been a wreck all week stressing about this audition. I sang well and felt like I am improving getting control of my nerves and controlling the inner critic. But it's tough. Luckily, I was near an Anthropologie and I visited it for the first time in a few months :)

Boy, were the Anthro Gods with me today. The piece I have been WAITING to go on sale, was there. Now, the Boston Anthropologie is moving from Boylston Street to Newbury Street and they are offering an additional 25% off their sale merchandise because of it. You know what was on sale because it was the last one AND it was my size!?

Verdant Slipdress! I have been stalking this little beauty for months and to score it for less than half price was amazing! Thank you, Anthro!

Two auditions tomorrow night...and the beat goes on...


  1. Well, you looked adorable even if you weren't feeling 100% :) what a great deal on the dress too!

  2. I'm so jealous that you got the Verdant dress on sale.

  3. whoa! amazing destiny draw on the dress! Good luck with the auditions...I love the mix of soft silk cowlneck and wooly skirt here!

  4. I know! It's crazy! There are only a few things on my wishlist and I haven't actually been in a store shopping in a couple of months and it was like destiny. I have been stalking that thing forever! And thanks on the compliments on the outfit. Can you believe I've had this skirt for a year and never wore it? Maiden voyage because it was so chilly out!

  5. I would be too! ;-) I was totally lucky!

  6. Thanks! I cannot believe how lucky I got!
